What if I can’t remember my login/password?

Navigate to the Register / Login button at the top right hand corner of the page, click on the forgotten password link, enter your email address and a reset password link will be sent to the address you supplied. If you are still having problems or can’t remember the email address that was registered to you, complete the Contact page and we will respond ASAP.

Why am I being asked to take this e-Learning?

This training has been allocated to you and forms part of your learning and development programme. Your progress in the courses and modules will be monitored to check your understanding of the material.

Where can I get help, ask a question or comment on this e-Learning content?

Complete the contact page and we will get back to you ASAP.

Can I access the course from any computer?

All you will need is an Internet connection and your account login information. The e-Learning Programme and its courses can be accessed globally from anywhere with connectivity through PC, Laptop, Tablet and SmartPhone.

What if I fail the test?

You can repeat the test and recap over the material as many times as you wish until you are confident in your understanding of the content.

Will I receive a certificate upon taking these courses?

If you achieve the pass mark, you will receive a certificate. If you are undetaking a qualification e.g. through ILM, you will receive a certificate from them if your assignments submitted meet their standards and we will support you end to end through this process.

How long do have to take this course?

The course will be available to you for an unlimited period of time, the material can be accessed as a refresher at any time.